Thursday, June 19, 2008

The First Stitches

Well, I figured the day would come. We were at a friend's pool for about 10 minutes today before Lucas slipped and banged his chin. He was leaning on a break-away basketball goal (he was unaware that it wouldn't hold his weight as he leaned to get a ball) and the goal fell and down he went. He hit his chin on the side and then fell into the water. I was RIGHT THERE (ugh), his face barely went under but it was too late for the chin. It was a steady waterfall of blood down his neck and chest, but as it slowed I could tell it was pretty wide open. We went to urgent care garbed in our bathing suits (my great friend Cathy went with me and missed her own get-together). Nothing like sitting in a wet bathing suit for 3 hours!! After an hour they called us back and put numbing cream on it, we waited another hour and then they put 3 stitches in his chin. They had to strap him down so he couldn't move and I think that bothered him more than anything. He left with 4 Mickey Mouse stickers, a Spongebob ball, and a yellow sucker. He's doing great tonight. He remembers that it's there every once in awhile and complains for a minute until he gets busy doing something else. The good news is that they will dissolve on their own and can get wet after 24 hours. The boy is a trooper! He was smiling and giving high fives as soon as they let him out of the "straight jacket". His face has had a rough 2 weeks with the black eye, busted lip, and now this! He's all boy!


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

geez! poor guy! i keep waiting for my time to come! i was just thinking about that the other day!

the lewis gang said...

we're glad it's nothing too serious, and that he'll be back and at 'em in no time!