Sunday, January 11, 2009

Round 2

I feel quite like a boxer when the week begins! Just fightin' like crazy to keep my head above water, counting the seconds until the bell rings. Who decided that the weekend should only be 2 days? We enjoyed a lazy weekend. Kate had a 2-day adjustment period to taking bottles. Nee Nee couldn't take her gagging and crying so she went shopping for new bottles for her on Wednesday. She took 3-5 oz. the rest of the week! What a great babysitter! Joe got off work early on Friday and had the whole house clean and did the grocery shopping, what a fabulous husband I have. He didn't have to work on Saturday so we had a really nice weekend spending lots of quality family time together! Here's to hoping week 2 goes as well as week one!
This was Monday morning, Kate's first day at Nee Nee's.

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

you know it's never easier leaving the kiddos, but keeping your head above water does! when you are really in the hang of it, it will be time for spring break!!