Friday, July 24, 2009

Back in the swing of things

By Tuesday we were up and running again after Joe and I both being sick Sunday. I needed most of the day Monday to catch up on sleep after my E.R. visit for a Cat-Scan of my guts, which turned out fine! (Long night, long story!) We had our final week of swim lessons! Lucas is definetely more comfortable in the water and willing to try new things! We went swimming at a friends house, made a trip to the library, and today, went to SIGS Sportsplex to "Bounce Time" with Sam and Jake. Everyone had a blast! We had some sweaty, tired boys afterward. The germ-i-phobe in me made Lucas get in his pool (he was too tired to go for a bath) and I squirted some baby shampoo in there to clean him off a bit! Can you blame me with all the illnesses lately?

Kate and Jake having their own fun!

Lucas stealing the cheese from the cheese pit! Check out those red cheeks!

Sam and Lucas were "tit for tat" today! They play and fight like brothers sometimes!

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

YES THEY DO! they love it though!! sam just cheers when i tell him we are doing something with "lushus"!