Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We had quite a busy day today. We started off playing outside most of the morning. Then we had a guest, Kate's gal-pal, Isabelle, Danielle's daughter (4 mo.). She came over and Lucas "babysat 2 babies!" He was so excited to be a helper. Thank goodness he napped from 1:30-4:15!

At 5:30 Lucas had a rain make-up tee ball game in the blazing heat, but the other team didn't show up! We got a little practice in anyway. Afterwards, GG brought Lucas some new googles to sport while he was cooling off. Look who joined him after mowing the grass. Truly a summer day!


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

lookin' good, joe! you should sell yourself a pool!

Curt Davidson said...

who's the white whale in the pool?