Monday, June 29, 2009

Hole repaired

Lucas now has some bling in his mouth. We went for his first dentist visit about 2 weeks ago because he had a spot where food kept getting stuck. We are so good about brushing teeth and they even brush them after lunch at Nee Nee's. The dentist said due to the placement and the good condition of his other teeth that it was probably developmental. we had to go have his hole fixed with a silver cap :(. I was dreading it because he actually had a good first experience and was looking forward to going that's all changed, unfortunately. I had to lay on top of him to keep him from pulling on their arms and sitting up. I figured, better me than a stranger. I would have hated to have seen it without the laughing gas because it didn't seem to do much to calm him. I told them to crank it up! Afterwards he said that it didn't hurt it was just scary. He's sleeping now. He cried himself to sleep because he was exhausted and he said "I don't like this in there". I think it's rubbing on his gum. Hopefully we'll have only good visits from now on. I will definetly take some bribery to get him back there, but I figure I've got about 5 months to do it and for him to forget this!