Thursday, July 16, 2009

Monumental Sick Week

Monumental because Kate began pulling up on Sunday/Monday and crawling on Tuesday! Wow have I been busy! Sick because Lucas started running a fever and coughing on Sunday and it finally broke last night about 9:30. He is much better today, but still doesn't have a lot of energy and is hacking still! We haven't done one thing this week other than some short strolls in the evening and a trip to the dr. and drugstore. Tonight we're going to try swim lessons and dinner.
Getting those veggies in creatively....
Watch out Lucas...she owes you some ear tugging for all you've put her through the last 9 months!
I was worried about Kate taking her FIRST bottle from me, yes I said first, on Tuesday. I have been having back issues and had to get a shot of anti-inflammatory so Kate had to take a bottle for that following feeding. (Pump and dump: 14 oz down the drain:() ) As you can see, she didn't care how she got it....she sucked it right down!

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...